Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cooper Month 9

*In size 5 diapers now*
*Celebrated St. Patrick's Day at the mall with his friends in the play area*
*Will stand without holding on for a few seconds*
*Loves to knock over a tower of blocks*
*At his 9 month check-up he was 21 pounds and 29.5 inches long*
*He won't let Daddy rock him to sleep, only me*
*People say he needs to go on a diet*
*He eats like a grown man, and has the poop to prove it*
*We are planning his 1st Birthday and I am sad*

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cooper Month 9

*Eats table food. No more jars of baby food*
*Played in his first "real" snow*
*His two top teeth are coming in*
*He has started biting me when I make him mad*
*He has started with separation anxiety*
*Interacts with other children*
*Went to the Optometrist for the InfantSee eye exam and passed*
*He went swimming at the indoor swim center. He loves to splash*
*He has learned object permanence. No more hiding things under the blankets*
*He LOVES to play outside. We watch Daddy burn trees on Saturdays*
*We celebrated Valentine's Day together*
*We look forward to our Thursday play dates every week*
*He can swing in the baby swing at the park*
*He is such a bully and hits other babies in the face*
*We are starting to plan his 1st Birthday Party*

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finger Foods

Cooper has started eating finger foods. I decided I didn't want to buy baby food anymore. It's so expensive. I can make my own for MUCH cheaper. He loves what I make for him, and he loves what we are eating even more. So far he has had: scrambled eggs (well cooked), grits, blueberry pancakes, spaghetti & little pieces of meat, hot dog, bologna (he didn't like it), and banana pudding. He's not too picky. Whuch is great because Curt and I both were picky when we were younger. (I still am to certain things) Here's a pic of him eating scrambled eggs.
I didn't realize how sad I would be at each baby is growing up and learning new things. He is learning to be independent! It hurts. I want him to be my baby and need me to do everything for him. Well...maybe we can forget about the diapers!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cooper Month 8

*Pulls up to stand*
*Cruises around furniture and toys*
*Moves around well in his walker*
*Eats two jars of food three times a day & drinks three bottles*
*I'm making most of his food now and he loves it*
*Loves to play with books (especially Daddy's Cabela's catalogs)*
*Has had his second overnight trip to Gram & Papa's*
*Missed Conner & Meg's parties because he was sick*
*Still only has two bottom teeth, but I think he's working on more*
*Had his first lemon, he didn't make too bad of faces*
*Had his first biter biscuit and loved getting messy*
*Ate my pizza crust our last day at group*
*Loves to snack on puffs, wagon wheels, and yogurt*
*Saw his first snow, if that's what you call it (more like dusting)*
*Got some BabyBanz*
*I started fertility meds 1.26.09, medication one of two*
*We hope to be pregnant in about a month*

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kicked out of "GROUP"

Every Thursday at Spartanburg Regional there is a mom and baby luncheon. This is a picture from Halloween. Aren't they all so cute! I have been attending since before Cooper was born. I have grown so close to all the moms and babies there. It was so much fun. As a SAHM you look forward to outings and this one was even better because all the moms and babies were going through the same things we were.

Today I found out we were no longer welcome. Not because of our behavior or anything. Debbie, the Lactation Consultant, said she had to put a cut off age for the group. The babies have to be between 2 weeks and 5 months to attend. This was a sad day for me. Debbie said it was because the babies that are new don't have their immune systems built up like our older babies do...and if there is a bug brought in and a new baby catches can be really bad. RSV has been bad this year and we don't want to share germs!

So now all the older moms and babies are going to start their own pay group. We have crawlers and almost will be great. I am looking forward to our new time together. It should be more fun. We can go on trips to the swim center's indoor heated pool, the park when it warms up, library story time, or just go hang out for lunch at a mommies house. My Cooper is almost 8 months old. It breaks my heart to think about how big he has gotten. It also hurts to think I am about to plan a 1-year Birthday Party!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cooper Month 7

*On 12.9.08 (6-month check) he weighed 19 pounds 2 ounces (80th %), 27.75 inches long (90th %), and 44.5 centimeters round head (75th %)*
*Eats baby food three times and has five bottles a day*
*Crawls backward really well & is going forward about 4 feet at at time before falling down*
*Had Christmas pictures made*
*He had surgery and was put to sleep 12.23.08 to put tubes in his ears. It was only eleven minutes from start to finish. He had an ear infection for about 6 weeks. It took four rounds of antibiotic, a strong shot (the Dr didn't want to give him because he's still so young), and tubes to get rid of the ear infection*
*Santa visited because he's such a good boy*
*Celebrated New Year's (without a bang)! He slept through the noise from fireworks*
*Stayed with Gram and Papa for his first OVERNIGHT trip away from mom & dad (we enjoyed sleeping until 9am)*
*He loves his mommy and it makes daddy jealous*
*Aunt Kara thinks she's having ANOTHER boy from the heart rate (Cooper is the third grandson and no girls)*
*Cooper may have a baby brother or sister soon. I'm going back for more fertility drugs to have another one 1.7.09 if the Dr. lets me go on it again so soon*

Cooper Month 6

*Sits up by himself*
*Love fruits more than veggies*
*Had first double ear infection and another one two weeks later*
*Rocks on hands and knees*
*Ate sweet potato souffle for Thanksgiving*
*House was burglarized*
*Puts himself to sleep when I lay him in his crib*
*He is a formula feed baby as of November 17th. His teeth hurt me too much to continue breastfeeding.*
*Weighed 18.14 on November 29th*
*Aunt Kara is pregnant and due July 9th*
*On November 30th we celebrated Daddy's 31st Birthday*
*My baby is half a year old. The time has flown*

Cooper Month 5

*He is in a size 3 diaper*
*He loves fruits and veggies*
*He got his first tooth 10.11.08*
*He was a little green monster for Halloween*
*He got his second tooth 11.2.08*
*He is no longer breastfed because those two teeth bite hard*
*He can self entertain*
*He is looking more and more like his mommy*
*He loves to talk to the baby in the mirror*
*Bathtime is a wet mess. He loves to splash*

Cooper Month 4

*He got his four month shots*
*He is 16 lbs, 26.5 in long, and 42.5 in round head*
*He is 75th percentile for weight, 95th for height, and 50th for head*
*He can always make me smile no matter what's wrong*
*He is in a size 2-3 diaper*
*He can get his feet in his mouth now*
*He loves to watch TV*
* He loves his jumparoo*
*He can stand on one leg*
*He eats baby food and cereal now...and LOVES it*
*He and Mommy hang out at Amanda and Elijah's to help watch John David*
*He scoots up to the top of the crib till his head touches the bumper*
*He loves to talk himself to sleep...his way of fighting it*

Cooper Month 3

*He is laughing out loud*
*He can roll from his belly to his back*
*He had a Labor Day trip to the beach for the weekend*
*He had his two month shots at 9 weeks old*
*95th percentile for height, 86th for weight, and 40th for head*
*25 inches long, 13 pounds, and 40 inches round*
*He loves to stand up now*
*He still sleeps through the night 8pm-7am*

Cooper Month 2

*He was able to celebrate July 4th by sleeping through the fireworks*
*He was sleeping through the night from 11pm-6am at 5 weeks old*
*He coos and smiles all the time now*
*He can't wait to get his feet. All he does is stare at them*
*He is in size two diapers*
*He weighed 13.13 pounds when I weighed him last*
*He is wearing 3-6 months clothes now*
*He loves to play in the bouncey seat*
*The ladies in the church nursery put up a fuss to hold him*
*He loves his mommy and daddy*
*He is growing too fast*

Cooper Month 1

*He was born June 2, 2008*
*His first holiday was Father's Day on June 15, 2008*
*He slept from 11pm to 5:30am at 11 days old...but he doesn't do it every night*
*Sleep is good. Feeding at about 11pm, 3am, and 7am*
*He is strong and hold his head up really well for his age*
*He hates "Tummy Time"*
*He tries to talk and smile*
*He loves to look at ceiling fans even if they aren't moving*
*He poops a LOT more than I expected*
*He went straight into a size 1 diaper at the hospiital*
*He outgrew his NB clothes after about two times wearing them*